The book fair, which targets the age groups between 4 and 14 years-old, provides a qualitative experience starting from carefully selected titles to accompanying programs, enriching children’s minds and allowing them to see magical worlds full of wondrous stories, experiences and diverse knowledge to inspire the children and develop their cognitive abilities.


Exhibition Objectives:

  • Developing a lively and fruitful dialogue between children and society.
  • Providing a primary source of books for children.
  • Connecting children to the concept of book fairs from a young age.
  • Introducing children’s publishing houses.
  • Enhancing the value and status of the Arabic language.
  • Exchanging knowledge and culture with the guest country such as its literary and scientific publications.



Publishing Houses

Special participation from France


What is special about this book fair?

This book fair stands out through its carefully curated selection of children’s books and everything related to their learning and development; offering a wide variety of Arabic and English books. Arabic books will take 70% of the book fair’s space while the remaining 30% will be filled by English publications.

Why is this book fair only for children?

Children are very important to the library and make up a large portion of its visitors, thus, the book fair gives both parents and children a large window to access stimulating books that would instill the love for reading in their chests and urge them to grow the habit of reading.

What are the targeted age groups?

This book fair is available for families and individuals who support children’s learning development including teachers and vested entities, but the target groups for the books of the fair are children from 4 to 14 years old.

Will the book fair be held annually?

Yes, it will be held annually.

What are the criteria for choosing publishing houses?

They will be selected as per the criteria of King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra), and so were the books selected on the same principles. We will also expand the circle for participating publishing houses as per the conditions available on the registration page.

How many publishing houses are participating in the book fair?

This book fair will consist of 20 publishing houses from Saudi, the GCC, the Arab World and an international guest country.

Will the books on display be placed in the library as well?

Featured book titles will vary depending on the standards of the book fair and the library.

What kind of books will be available at the Children’s Book Fair?

The featured book titles are new, fresh and carefully selected, and there will also be a book exchange station which provides children with the chance to switch the books they have finished reading with the books of other children.

Are library books for sale too?

The books that are for sale are the titles which are listed in the Children’s Book Fair, while library books are available to borrow for those who have an Ithra Membership.

Will a discount be available for Ithra Members?

The featured books will have the same price for all visitors.

Do I have to get a ticket to enter the book fair?

Entering the book fair is available to anyone as per the capacity of the Center only, and for those who wish to purchase please refer to the stations of participating publishing houses.

Will there be accompanying programs to the book fair?

Various programs will be held during the book fair including workshops, talks and discussions. Visit the designated webpage here for more.

When should those interested in participating at the book fair register on the webpage?

Registration will open on August 22, 2023.

What is the last date to participate at the Children’s Book Fair?

Registration will close on September 21, 2023.

When will the nominated publishing houses be contacted?

Selected publishing houses will be contacted on September 28, 2023.

Note: All details about the book fair will be explained to the participating publishing houses.  

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