Course Brief / Description:

With a duration of 15 learning hours over the course of three days, this course will offer participants an understanding of the programs and pedagogical issues faced by the world of museum education. Participants will learn research-based trends regarding the transformation of instructional models, from remedial paradigms or learning to an enrichment paradigm.

Learning Objectives:

  • Defining the purpose and scope of museum education.
  • Describing the role and responsibilities of the museum educator.
  • Demonstrating understanding of theoretical framework that supports museum education.
  • Identifying effective practices that support the success of museum education programs.
  • Explaining factors contributing to success of museum education programs.
  • Analyzing the challenges museums may experience when implementing museum education programs.
  • Investigating various strategies museums can use to positively impact visitor experience.

Learning Outcomes:

  • To obtain knowledge in the areas of learning and pedagogical issues related to museum education.
  • To analyze and implement various models, curriculums and strategies to meet the learning needs of various visitors.
  • To serve as advocates for enrichment and learning in a cultural institution.


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