Step Right Up for a Theatrical Spectacular with the Critically Acclaimed
“Circus 1903”


Roll up, roll up! Prepare to be amazed by the unparalleled spectacle that is “Circus 1903” as it takes center stage at Ithra Theater.


Brought to you by the producers of the world's biggest-selling magic show “The Illusionists,” and the award-winning puppeteers of “War Horse,” this spectacular event promises to transport you to an extraordinary world where the impossible becomes reality.

These performers have traveled from the far corners of the globe to bring you daring feats of bravery, breathtaking acrobatics, and mesmerizing acts which promise to dazzle and delight audiences all ages!


Don't miss your chance to witness the theatrical splendor of the Golden Age of Circus.

Book your tickets now and be part of a journey that will endure in your memories long after the final curtain falls. 


Step right up and prepare to be amazed!


Upcoming Shows

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