Course Description:

Through stories, civilizations have created magical worlds for thousands of years. Stories have been hugely influential in creating cultures, identities and values. Throughout this course, the facilitator will take the participants on an exciting journey to discover what is needed to create a great story. By the end of this course, participants will have obtained all of the essential tools and skills needed to create an outstanding story for a podcast.


Learning Objectives:

  • Develop the ability to choose and review an effective story.
  • Obtain the ability to build an engaging and strong narrative.
  • Perfect the usage of gestures and body language during storytelling.
  • Master the right sound and tone appropriate for a storytelling performance.


Learning Outcomes:

  • To acquire the ability to appropriately use stories on a daily basis.
  • To perfect strategic story techniques in order to make a story stimulating.
  • To learn the professional use of sounds during storytelling.
  • To understand the professional use of gestures and body language regarding storytelling.


Recommended for:
Media professionals, students majoring in media and journalism, those interested in creating podcast content, and writers of radio and media content.


Faisal Alshahrani

Faisal Alshahrani is an academic, content creator and podcaster. He has worked on several cultural projects across various sectors as an organizer, host and supervisor. Additionally, he has participated in organizing Ithra’s “iRead” competition and served as one of the jury members. Alshahrani has also worked with numerous organizations in the public sector focusing on content creation, and he is the host of the “Mutalae” podcast on the Mana platform, and the “Asmar” podcast that was showcased on the Thaqafeyah channel by MBC.

Faisal Alshahrani

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