Course Description:

Every cultural project has its essential roles in reinforcing and strengthening national identity. Those working in cultural sectors, projects and initiatives are welcomed to broaden their knowledge in defining cultural programs and choosing the right idea for a project in order to achieve its goals and fulfill the audience’s needs. Moreover, participants will explore the basics of building a professional project and merging it with community services in order to create a living culture that ensures outcomes that correspond with the project’s vision. Furthermore, participants will obtain the essential tools and successful standards necessary to ensure the project’s efficiency in the professional world. 


Course Objectives:

  • Choosing the appropriate idea and the purpose for a cultural project.
  • Identify and emphasize the outcomes of a cultural project to the audience.
  • Constructing and implementing the cultural project’s timeline professionally in order to portray the main idea and all of its components clearly.
  • Building successful collaborations and attracting sponsors. 
  • Enhancing the tools and techniques needed in order to develop and improve the cultural project.


Course Outcomes:

  • To choose an idea that matches the audience and the appropriate theme. 
  • To highlight the goals of the cultural project.
  • To emphasize the outcomes expected from the cultural project.
  • To choose the appropriate team in order to assure the cultural project success. 
  • To build a complete execution plan to achieve the goals and outcomes desired from the cultural project.
  • To define the standards necessary to evaluate the cultural project. 


Recommended for:

Those who work in cultural sectors and are interested in creating cultural programs and projects.


Abdulkarim Alkhulayfi

Abdulkarim Alkhulayfi is the chief executive officer of Hrakat, a creative content company. Furthermore, he has a specific passion for curating and producing content for cultural and media projects. Due to his love for creating content and culture, he has founded several companies. Nevertheless, he has also participated in many cultural projects, such as the Ministry of Commerce’s Poet of the Gulf in 2022. Additionally, he also shared his knowledge with the GEA’s Entertainment Challenges of 2019, where he worked on the tent. At the tent, 300 contestants were welcomed to showcase their talents and compete to be one of the top ten winners amongst the nation. Finally, he also participated as a judge throughout various awards and cultural grands.

Abdulkarim Alkhulayfi

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