Course Description:

The role of an interviewer is both important and sensitive in dialogue management in terms of controlling the direction of the conversation, using flexibility as a tool, and enriching the topic. This course focuses on understanding the role of the interviewer and the essential skills and tools needed to be effective. All media workers, interviewers, program hosts and events hosts are welcomed at this interactive and exciting course to explore the main role of the interviewer, and the importance of understanding the topic of discussion as well as the interviewees. Participants will practice listening and questioning skills as a professional, as well as the basics of representing the topic and the guests. Participants will learn how to manage the dialogue in a flexible and professional way. They will also practice the tools gained in interactive exercises and improve their managing dialogue skills as professionals.


Course Objectives:

  • Improving speaking skills in a professional manner.
  • Tackling various situations smoothly and flexibly.
  • Organizing speaking content delicately.
  • Strengthening listening skills.


Course Outcomes:

  • To manage various platforms professionally.
  • To excel in public speaking.
  • To master a storytelling narrative and present it in a captivating way.


Recommended for:
Journalists, interviewees and formal program hosts


Samya Ayish

Samya Ayish is an independent journalist, a media trainer and a digital storyteller. In her training, Samya focuses on digital storytelling, innovation in newsrooms, and the process of employing technology to respond to various journalistic needs.

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Samya Ayish

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