Urban Landscape Improvement Initiative

Urban Landscape Improvement Initiative

In partnership with the General Directorate of Education and the Eastern Province Municipality

The Eastern Province Council for Social Responsibility launched the "Absir" initiative in cooperation with the General Administration of Education with the support of the Eastern Province Municipality, in conjunction with the Eastern Province Innovation 2023 initiative. The initiative aims to improve the urban landscape in the city of Dammam in the Eastern Province, targeting a number of parks and areas through drawings and decorations that carry the identity of the Eastern Province.


This is an extension of what was launched in 2022 by the same partners and in conjunction with the Eastern Province, it also innovates, as it sought to improve the school environment, which included more than 100 schools for boys and girls throughout the Eastern Province, by supporting and enabling attractive fine art forms to enhance the health and quality of life for students to encourage walking by taking advantage of the drawings and decorations that carry the identity of the Eastern Province.

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