Salam Kaoukji

Salam Kaoukji

Curator and collection manager of the al-Sabah Collection, Kuwait

Salam Kaoukji is the curator and collection manager of the al-Sabah Collection, Kuwait. She is the author of Precious Indian Weapons and other Princely Accoutrements and Adornment and Splendour: Jewels of the Indian Courts. She contributed to the al-Sabah Collection exhibition catalogues: Treasury of the World: Jewelled Arts of India in the Age of the Mughals and al-Fann: Art from the Islamic Civilisation, and the catalogue of the collection’s long-term loan to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Arts of Islamic Lands: Selections from the al-Sabah Collection. She is editor of the collection’s publications series and contributed to exhibition catalogues which included loans from the al-Sabah Collection. She curated the exhibition al-Dhikr al-Maknun: Verses from the Holy Qur’an on Works of Art, and Emperors and Jewels: Treasures of the Indian Courts from The al-Sabah Collection, the Aga Khan Museum, Toronto and the Tribute to Sheikh Nasser al-Sabah, Islamic Art Biennale, Jeddah. She co-curated the exhibitions: Treasury of the World: Jewelled Arts of India in the Age of the Mughals, al-Fann: Art from the Islamic Civilisation and Arts of Islamic Lands: Selections from The al-Sabah Collection a long-term loan to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.

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