How can we contact you?

By emailing us at: Content.initiative@ithra.com

What is the institution portfolio? and why is it important?

The portfolio contains a description of the institution, its specialty, and a collection of previous projects that showcase the institution’s qualifications and ability to accomplish the needed requirements.

Is there a specific age group for the program?

Project applications are accepted regardless of age or years of experience.

Is an educational background or experience in the same field required?

Yes, it is important that the team be qualified and have sufficient skills to complete the submitted project.

Is it possible to participate in multiple tracks?

Yes. To give more opportunities to creators and cultural institutions, the applicant can participate with two projects, and each submission must be submitted with a separate email.

How can I apply for sponsorship from a company or organization?

You can reach out to companies or organizations regarding the submitted project, and explain the terms of the program. If you do not intend to register your own institution, you can search and work with organizations that produce content that matches your project.

Why is it necessary to have an institution? Why don't you support individuals directly?

Because one of the stated goals of the program is to stimulate the content creation sector in the Kingdom, which means supporting its institutions. The program also requires financial reports that are only accepted from registered institutions.

Is there a list of institutions that we can collaborate with?

No, there is a list of suggested institutions. If you do not intend to register your own entity, you can reach out and cooperate with institutions that produce content suitable for your project and pitch, and the apply to the initiative through them.

What are the deadlines for applying to the program?

Application is available at the beginning of each calendar year from January to April and is announced on the Ithra website and its official social media platforms.

Is there a specific number of winners in each category?

No, there is no specific number of winners in each category.

If the project is nominated, how will the grant be awarded?

The grant will be divided into payments for each phase. Each payment will be processed prior to the designated phase according to the project timetable. After submitting the phase deliverables, receipts and invoices will be needed to prove spending of the payment for the stage completed.

What is “added value”?

It is what your project will add to the target audience and the impact it will have in enriching culture and Arabic content.

Who possesses the copyrights of the submitted projects?

The project owner, provided that the project is completed according to Ithra’s directions and after the project is fully delivered according to the agreement.

What is the advisor’s role?

The advisor is an expert in their field, and their role begins after a project wins. They work on assuring the quality of work and its compliance with the sponsorship agreement signed with Ithra.

How do I benefit from the advisor’s services?

If the team lacks experience in one of the areas related to the project, they can seek help from the advisor to assure the quality of their plans.

Will I be disqualified if my application has incomplete data, forms or attachments?

After the submissions deadline passes, applications that are incomplete or lack supporting forms and attachments will be excluded immediately. Ithra will not contact applicants to inform them of missing documents in their application.

I will be abroad during the initiative period. Will I be disqualified?

Grants are provided exclusively to Saudi institutions. The project representative must be a Saudi or a resident, and will not be disqualified if they are abroad for a short period of time.

Is it mandatory that the project cost conform to the budget declared in all tracks?

The Ithra Content Initiative provides either full or partial grants. Therefore, the total value of the project may exceed the announced value, but the value provided by Ithra must remain within the declared budget for each track.

Is it possible to provide samples similar to the project?

The samples must be from the same project submitted. Grants are provided to complete the implementation of projects, and there must be partial implementation through which the project can be evaluated. Attaching similar samples may support the communication of the idea and direction of the project in its final form.

What is the format of the commitment letter/guest consent needed for tracks that require it?

A letter of commitment is a document that clarifies the commitment of a guest to attend and participate in a podcast episode in which he will be hosted in. The letter must clarify the information of both parties (the guest and the institution) and the guest’s agreement to appear and participate in the podcast.

Is there a specific number of winners for each media production category?

No, there is not.

What is the goal of the initiative?

To nurture local content creation, as well as empower talent and provide diverse opportunities in the cultural and creative sectors in the Kingdom.

What does the initiative offer?

In cooperation with the Cultural Development Fund, the Ithra Content Initiative provides support to Saudi cultural institutions in Arabic content creation projects, through financial, advisory and marketing support.

Is it mandatory that the project cost conform to the budget declared on the website?

The Ithra Content Initiative provides either full or partial grants. Therefore, the total value of the project may exceed the announced value, but the value provided by Ithra must remain within the declared budget for each track.

What is meant by the production grant and post-production grant in the visual content track?

Production grant: The project is in the early stages of preparation and the first stage (pre-production) has not yet been completed.
Post-production grant: The project has completed the content preparation and production phases, and the final stages of the project remain ahead.

In the visual content (animation) track for the production grant, it is required to submit a collection of edited scenes from the submitted project that are no less than two minutes long. What is meant by “edited scenes”? Is a video required or is a s

“Edited scenes” means a video clip that has been edited and is no less than two minutes in length. In addition to the video clip, inclusion of a storyboard is required to understand the entire story in sequence.

In the visual content (animation) track, I am still working on producing animated episodes. Is my submission still eligible to be nominated or will the application at least be accepted?

 Yes, you have an opportunity to apply and be accepted.

How many years of experience are required of the director and producer in the visual content track?

Unspecified. It is necessary to provide a bio of the director and producer and examples of their previous work that illustrate their capabilities.

Are rock-genre projects accepted into the music track?

It is necessary that the project reflect the local Arab culture, and there is no rule against incorporating different musical instruments.

What are the requirements for accepting podcast recordings into the podcast track?

At least one sample video or audio clip of the submitted project (one episode only) must be submitted.

If the project is nominated, how will the grant be awarded?

The grant will be divided into payments for each phase. Each payment will be processed prior to the designated phase according to the project timetable. After submitting the phase deliverables, receipts and invoices will be needed to process the payment of each phase.

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