
This track supports publishing houses and related SMEs who wish to publish books that fall under the categories of “Literature and Creative Writing” and “Manga and Comic Books” which provides up to 150,000 Saudi Riyals, given that the work is distinguished by its content and writers, whether it is a single book or a series of books, in addition to adhering to the highest quality standards in production and printing.

Note: 50 copies of the final product will be donated to Ithra.


1. Literature and Creative Writing

This category supports publishing houses and related SMEs who wish to publish books in the following fields:

  • Children’s Literature: New and innovative stories and adaptations of classic Arabic and international literature that simulate the local environment.
  • Short Stories: The project must consist of a collection of short stories.
  • Novels: includes all types of novels; such as fantasy, science fiction, historical, etc.
  • Poetry: including classical, contemporary and experimental poetic projects.
  • Biographies: of local or regional influential figures.

Literature and Creative Writing Application Requirements

  • Fulfill the terms and conditions of the program.
  • Participation is available to Saudi publishing houses and related SMEs.
  • Provide an overview of previous work, if any, to support your application.
  • Provide 30% of the submitted project content.
  • Provide a summary of the submitted project.
  • For biographies, provide a letter of consent from the respective person or permission to access the archive of the source of the biography, in addition to a summary of the outcome.
  • For children’s books: a chapter of the story adapted from the classic literature must be presented. As for the original writings, the entire script for the story must be provided.

2. Manga and Comic Books

This category supports publishing houses and related SMEs who wish to publish books specialized in Manga and Comics series. The work can address various topics, whether fictional or based on true stories, provided that they are based on principled goals and locally relevant intellectual ideas or related to Arabic culture and presented creatively.

Manga and Comic Books Application Requirements

  • Fulfill the terms and conditions of the program.
  • Participation is available to Saudi publishing houses and related SMEs.
  • Provide an overview of previous work, if any, to support your application.
  • Provide 30% of the project content.
  • Provide a summary of the project.
  • Provide avatars of the main characters and descriptions.



Registration Opens: January 2, 2024  


Deadline for Submitting Applications: April 30, 2024


Winners Announcement: During August, 2024

Evaluation and Selection Criteria


After the submission phase ends, Ithra will review the projects to ensure that applications are complete and that they adhere to the program application guidelines specific to each track. Only applications that have passed the initial inspection will be processed. An independent jury will then evaluate the applications and choose the projects that will receive the awards. Please see the evaluation process and criteria for more details.


Announcement of Results

The awarded projects and their representatives will be announced on the Ithra website and social media platforms. An email will also be sent to applicants whose projects were not selected.


Award Contract

Ithra will draft a contract for the winners to sign after they are selected for the award. The contract will also include start and end dates, award value, budget details, financial requirements, payment schedule, general provisions, implementation method and amendments, and required reports and project results.



Subject matter experts and specialists will be appointed as consultants to provide intellectual, creative and technical support and guidance prior to signing the contract and throughout the project implementation period until final delivery.

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