
The Learning Beyond Conference is back for its second edition at Ithra, and this time, we’re diving deep into informal learning through the lens of “Storytelling.” Humans naturally lean towards storytelling as we are innate recipients of stories. Learning through storytelling is about utilizing our natural tendencies to maximize our learning experiences.


In addition, attendees will get into the crux of creative and informal learning by engaging with global industry experts on a myriad of topics, some of which cover learning tools, learning strategies, learning environments, imagination rooms, the impact of social spaces, and learning beyond books. 

What to Expect?





Beyond Talks

Beyond Talks

Panel Discussions

Panel Discussions

Beyond Sessions

Beyond Sessions

Story with an Expert

Story with an Expert

Immersive Experience

Immersive Experience

Book Signings

Book Signings

Film Screenings

Film Screenings


Beyond Offerings 



How to Create an Interesting Story? How to Create an Interesting Story?

How to Create an Interesting Story?

20th January 2024

5:30 PM - 9:30 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 11

From Readers to Leaders From Readers to Leaders

From Readers to Leaders

19th January 2024

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 9 - Classroom 1

Artistic Thinking: Fostering Curiosity and Play in Education Artistic Thinking: Fostering Curiosity and Play in Education

Artistic Thinking: Fostering Curiosity and Play in Education

19th January 2024

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 8 - classroom 2

World-building and Improvisation World-building and Improvisation

World-building and Improvisation

19th January 2024

8:00 PM - 10:00 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 9 - Classroom 1

Zoom in, Zoom out Zoom in, Zoom out

Zoom in, Zoom out

20th January 2024

12:30 PM - 2:30 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 9 - classroom 2

Turning Stories into Songs Turning Stories into Songs

Turning Stories into Songs

20th January 2024

12:30 PM - 2:30 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 9 - Classroom 1

Documenting the Moment, the Story and the Life Documenting the Moment, the Story and the Life

Documenting the Moment, the Story and the Life

20th January 2024

3:30 PM - 5:30 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 8 - Classroom 2

Weaving Learning through Stories Weaving Learning through Stories

Weaving Learning through Stories

20th January 2024

3:30 PM - 5:30 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 9 - Classroom 2

What Aristotle's Storytelling Principles Have to Do with Nowadays Moodboards What Aristotle's Storytelling Principles Have to Do with Nowadays Moodboards

What Aristotle's Storytelling Principles Have to Do with Nowadays Moodboards

20th January 2024

3:30 PM - 5:30 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 9 - Classroom 1

Amplify Your Creativity for Storytelling Amplify Your Creativity for Storytelling

Amplify Your Creativity for Storytelling

20th January 2024

5:30 PM - 8:30 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 8 - classroom 2

Unleash Your Creative Genius with Story Mapping Unleash Your Creative Genius with Story Mapping

Unleash Your Creative Genius with Story Mapping

20th January 2024

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 9 - Classroom2

Let's Listen to the Story Let's Listen to the Story

Let's Listen to the Story

20th January 2024

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM



Ithra Tower, Level 9 - Classroom 1



Explore the Conference Agenda!

Knowledge Partners



What is the Learning Beyond Conference?

Ithra’s Learning Beyond Conference is the pioneering creative learning conference in the MENA region. It is a multifaceted platform that provides its audience with access to creative industry professionals who specialize in innovative, unconventional and informal learning methods — because it’s not about what you learn, but how you learn it.

Through its different offerings, from interactive panel discussions, to intensive workshops, to intimate roundtable sessions with global experts, to immersive experiences activated across Ithra’s facilities, Learning Beyond demonstrates a range of innovative learning best practices to its attendees, with the goal of providing them with lifelong tools to forge stronger connections with their intended audiences, whether they are children, students, clients or customers. 

What is the theme of the Learning Beyond Conference this year?

In 2024, the Learning Beyond conference will shed a light on informal learning practices through the lens of storytelling. 

What are the topics of the conference?

Lifelong learning:

  • Learning tools: identifying creative tools that can be used in different environments to support learning
  • Learning strategies: introducing innovative techniques for learning and their different applications
  • Learning styles: exploring different individual and collective approaches to learning

Learning environments:

  • Imagination room: expanding on the conventional idea of a classroom and identifying ways to turn it into a fun, productive and creative learning space
  • Beyond books: encouraging learners to learn through different experiences and interactions that go beyond text
  • Social spaces: exploring the benefit of social spaces and their positive impact on the learning process

When does the conference start/end?

Friday, January 19, 1:00 – 10:00 p.m.  
Saturday, January 20, 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. 


Where is it happening?

King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia

When will the conference passes/workshops sales open?

December 16, 2023

When does the registration period take place?

Thursday January 18, 2024 from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Friday January 19, 2024 from 1:00– 10:00 p.m.
Saturday January 20, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 pm.

Who is the target audience for the Learning Beyond Conference?

The Learning Beyond Conference was designed to engage educators, teachers, parents, content developers, intellectuals, life-long learners and education entrepreneurs. The conference will be conducted in both English and Arabic.

What are the conference offerings?

  • Workshops
  • Keynotes
  • Beyond Talks
  • Panel discussions
  • Beyond Sessions
  • Story with an Expert gatherings
  • Immersive experiences
  • Film screenings with Q/A
  • Book signings with Q/A

Are workshops part of the conference pass package?

 Workshops are sold separately from the passes. They are not included in any of the conference pass packages

If I bought a workshop, and not a conference pass, can I access any of the pass offerings?


What is included in the Day 1 conference pass package?

  • Opening Ceremony
  • One keynote speech
  • Beyond Talks
  • Panel discussions
  • Beyond Sessions
  • Story with an Expert gatherings
  • Interactive Learning Experience
  • Film screening with Q/A
  • Book signings with Q/A

What is included in the Day 2 conference pass package?

  • One keynote speech
  • Beyond Talks
  • Panel discussions
  • Beyond Sessions
  • Story with an Expert gatherings
  • Interactive Learning Experience
  • Film screening with Q/A
  • Book signings with Q/A
  • Closing ceremony

What is included in the Two Day conference pass package?

  • Opening ceremony
  • Two keynotes speech
  • Beyond Talks
  • Panel discussions
  • Beyond Sessions
  • Story with an Expert gatherings
  • Interactive Learning Experience
  • Film screening with Q/A
  • Book signings with Q/A
  • Closing ceremony

What is a Beyond Talk?

Similar to a TED Talk, a Beyond Talk is a 45-minute session with a solo speaker. Unlike a TED Talk, a Beyond Talk directly engages the attendee through demonstrations or interactive experiences conducted by the speaker. A Beyond Talk is located in either the theater, which can seat 800 attendees, or the cinema, which accommodates up to 350 attendees. Beyond Talks held in the theater have available translations so they are suitable for both English speakers and Arabic speakers, while Beyond Talks held in the cinema are conducted in English only.

What is a Beyond Session?

A Beyond Session is a dynamic 90-minute roundtable-style session conducted by an expert or creative professional. The location of Beyond Sessions will vary on the topic of the session, as some might take place in the Children’s Museum, some in the Theater, some in the Ithra Tower, some in the exhibits, etc. A Beyond Session includes quick-paced activities and exercises that will leave the attendee with a mental tool kit of informal learning methods ready for implementation, but will not result in a tangible product at the end of the session. The capacity of a Beyond Session is 15-20 participants. The language of the session will be indicated on the website.

What is the Story with an Expert gatherings?

Located in the Idea Lab Show Tank, a Story with an Expert gathering is an intimate talk between a creative expert/professional and the attendees. Attendees are able to connect with the expert/professional of their chosen field and listen to stories of their career, how they faced challenges, created opportunities for success and influenced their industry. A Story with an Expert gathering is 60 minutes long. The gatherings are for groups of no larger than 30 attendees. The language of the gathering will be indicated on the website.

What is an Immersive Experience?

Unlike talks, seminars or workshops, an Immersive Experience engulfs the attendee in an engaging 360 activity with the aim of inspiring attendees to approach education and learning in an unconventional, out of the box way. Immersive Experiences will be guided and narrated by the inventors of those experiences, where attendees are able to freely ask questions and take notes. There will be a selection of Immersive Experiences activated all across Ithra’s facilities. The language of the Immersive Experience will be indicated on the website.

What is a workshop?

A structure-based program focusing on a topic or a theme with measurable objectives that might involve creation of tangible products. It either sparks interest in a new selected topic or supports existing content. Some workshops have a duration of 90 minutes, while others are two - three hours. One workshop will take place over both days. The language of the workshop will be indicated on the website.

What is a panel discussion?

A number of experts meet and participate in a moderated structured discussion on a selected topic or theme. The duration of the entire discussion will be approximately 60 minutes. Panel discussions will take place across Ithra’s facilities, some of which include: the Theater, the Library, Giuseppe Penone’s Source of Light installation and the Cinema. The language of the panel discussion will be indicated on the website.

What is a book signing?

An author will read or speak about their book, hold a Q/A session, and then proceed to a signing session. The duration of the entire session is 30 minutes. The language of the book signing will be indicated on the website.

Will the book signing sessions offer an option to buy the book?

You will have the option to purchase the book during the session, or you can bring your own copy to sign.

What is a film screening?

Located at the Cinema, a short film will be screened, followed by a Q/A session with the company behind the film. The Cinema can hold up to 315 attendees. The language of the film and Q/A will be indicated on the website.

Are the Learning Beyond Conference offerings overlapping?

Yes. Attendees will be able to organize their agendas during the Orientation session or the registration periods. There will be dedicated Information Stations available to help assist you in planning your agenda.

What is the age limit of the conference?



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