We all have favorite sounds that we can't forget. The sound of a newborn crying. The sound of winter with rain drops, a crackling fire, Mohammed Abdu songs. The sound of joy with the laughter of friends and the beating of drums. The sound of pain, moans, groans and silence.

How can we perceive the effect of these sounds with the magic of the story?

In this talk, we will learn about the power of podcasting, share tips on how we can create influential and entertaining audio content, and also discuss the power of storytelling and the impact of a podcast’s plot.
We will learn the use of storytelling as a method of influence and attraction in podcasts, and the power of audio storytelling to influence local and global experiences by telling the story of “Lampshade Podcast” along with its challenges and successes. We will also offer a set of tips for creating an influential and quality podcast.


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