Let’s dive together in this informal learning experience and learn about the captivating world of point of view and its incredible impact on storytelling where we freeze the scene and explore the power of different perspectives. 

During this interactive talk, we will demonstrate how the use of point of view can enhance learning and teaching skills in any environment. We will examine how a simple shift in perspective can transform a story, revealing hidden layers, emotions, and insights that enrich the learning experience. We will actively participate in freezing the scene, allowing us to dissect and discuss the impact of different points of view. Together, we will explore the art of storytelling from multiple angles, examining how each perspective influences the narrative arc and engages the audience in a profound way.

We will ignite our passion for storytelling learning about the transformative power of point of view and discover practical strategies for incorporating point of view techniques into educational settings to create immersive learning experiences.
Together we will unlock our own storytelling potential and embrace our inner storyteller. By exploring various perspectives and honing their point of view techniques, we will develop greater creativity, problem-solving abilities, and effective communication skills to be able to engage and inspire others through our stories.


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