Dr. Lamya Ba’ashan

Dr. Lamya Ba’ashan

Dr. Lamya Ba’ashan is a writer in the field of literature, criticism, culture, and folklore, and a professor of literature. She is teaching at the Department of European Languages and Literature at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah.
She obtained a master's degree and a doctorate in English literature and the Literary Censorship Board from the University of Arizona in the United States,  her thesis title was "Hayy ibn Yaqzan and Robinson Crusoe: A Comparative Study."
Dr. Lamya worked as Head of the Department of Languages and Literature at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, and worked in University admission and registration.
She wrote scientific papers on critical literature in English language, and also contributed to critical research in a number of literary forums in the Kingdom.
Her scientific research activities revolve around narratives, critical theories, comparative literature, and popular literature. She has numerous contributions to literary club forums, to the Ministry of Culture, and to local newspapers, as well as her articles in (Al-Diwaniyah) supplement of the Saudi Gazette newspaper, and her weekly articles in the (Cultural) supplement of Al-Jazeera newspaper, and a weekly article in (Al-Madina) newspaper. She also has many scientific papers on literary criticism in literary forums, cultural seminars, book fairs, Souq Ukaz, and the Janadriyah Festival.

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