Dr. Lamya Tawfik

Dr. Lamya Tawfik

Dr. Lamya Tawfik is an Egyptian performing artist with an interest in children's development and culture. She is an actress, storyteller and presenter. Her performing arts journey started in 2009. Since then, she has performed in English, Arabic and Italian with several theater groups in Dubai. As a storyteller, she has performed in many children's events, storytelling festivals and book fairs. 
Dr. Lamya holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the American University in Cairo and a Doctorate Degree in Childhood Studies from the Mass Communication and Child Culture Department, Institute for Postgraduate Childhood Studies at Ain Shams University in Cairo. She is a certified Holistic Integrated Creative Arts Therapies Practitioner and is currently training to be a Kids Life Coach.

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