Dr. Nadiah Alhumaid

Dr. Nadiah Alhumaid

General Manager of Academic Excellence at the Royal Institute for Traditional Arts (TRITA)

Dr. Nadiah is specialized in the visual arts, quality and academic accreditation, educational program development, and training. She holds a PH.D. in philosophy with a specialization in drawing and fine arts painting from Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, College of Design and Arts.

Currently, she is working as General Manager of the General Administration for Academic Excellence at the Royal Institute of Traditional Arts (TRITA). She worked as an assistant professor at Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, College of Design and Arts, Department of Visual Arts.

Dr. Nadiah has over 20 years of experience in university teaching for various courses in visual arts. She is a member of the judging panel for artistic works in the 6th Scientific Conference, Painting and Arabic Calligraphy tracks, and in the 7th Scientific Conference, Painting track.
She is also a member of the judging committee for Princess Nourah University's Excellence in Research Award.

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