Dr. Sinan Sweis

Dr. Sinan Sweis

A true believer in the power of words and the transformation they could bring to communities, Sinan established Jabal Amman Publishers to become one of the most recognized publishing houses in the region.
Sinan believes that knowledge is key to building civilization and human progress and has involved the company in projects that combine a value for reading as well as empowering people and effecting change. He also believes that we can be the voice of the voiceless by tackling the stories of marginalized people and vulnerable communities in Amman, such as “city shallows,” and put a face to the numbers by offering a platform for them to be heard, such as “Blue Birds," the story of a 16-year-old refugee who wrote her story as a child of war.

He is also passionate about mentoring and developing new Arab writers, and his recent efforts led to the launch of two new children’s writers who received regional recognition.
Sinan holds a B.A. degree in psychology and a graduate degree in Middle Eastern Studies from the University of London.

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