Sadeen  Elyas

Sadeen Elyas

Sadeen Elyas is a PhD candidate in Film Musicology at the University of Hull. Her research interests encompass film music, including silent cinema, the early use of sound in Hollywood cinema, and animation studies, with a special focus on Disney. Her PhD research combines her interests, and looks at the use of music as equal storytelling agent alongside imagery in early and contemporary Hollywood cinema, with particular emphasis on Disney films.
Sadeen's expertise in Disney's film music led her to deliver a distinguished talk at the British Film Institution in London, solidifying her status as a specialist in the field. Sadeen has also made contributions to academia, having published an academic chapter on Disney's film music, specifically centered around "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
Beyond her academic pursuits, Sadeen Elyas is a dedicated and accomplished Saudi musician and composer. Her creative endeavours blend Western and Arabic musical styles, skilfully incorporating elements of classical and Disney music into her compositions. She actively engages with various organizations, lending her musical talents to projects that address important social issues. Recently, Sadeen's work has been acknowledged, and she was featured in Hia magazine, a publication that showcases influential Arab women.

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