Sara Albunayan

Sara Albunayan

Senior Education Officer at Misk Art Institute.
Sara Albunayan is an accomplished art educator with extensive experience in the field. Currently, she serves as the Senior Education Officer at Misk Art Institute. With a degree in art education from King Saud University and a master's degree in community arts and education from Lesley University, Sara has honed her skills to inspire and teach young, aspiring artists.
Throughout her career, Sara has been responsible for developing and managing educational programs that cater to the creative industry's needs in Saudi Arabia, such as the Portfolio Development course, Entering the Arts, and Research Practices and Principles. She firmly believes that art education encompasses more than just teaching techniques and materials; it encourages students to explore their creativity and develop their unique artistic voice by providing the necessary tools and knowledge to succeed in the arts.
Sara's dedication to art education has led her to collaborate with many art centers internationally, including the Cambridge Community Art Center in Cambridge, MA, and the Raw Art Center in Lynn, MA. She contributed to managing numerous projects, providing her expertise in art education. She continues to inspire and mentor the next generation of artists and educators in Saudi Arabia, leaving a lasting impact on the country's creative industry.

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