How does play and curiosity about the world are essential to artistic thinking and learning?
Children have the natural instinct to play and have a lot of curiosity regarding the world surrounding them. Often, when we grow up, we lose spontaneity and intuition. One has to become a "serious" adult. 

How can we make sure that play and curiosity are furthered in thinking rather than curtailed? 
Artistic thinking is not only valuable within the arts, it is also a necessity in a world that asks for inventive and flexible approaches.

In this workshop, we will gain insights of how artists think and the relevance of play in culture and learning. We will also explore ways of stimulating children's curiosity and creating the space for them to pursue it.
By looking at some case studies of artistic thinking and trying out various exercises, we will explore how creative approaches to thinking can also be relevant in school. It will also give teachers insights in artistic thinking and how it can be applied in the classroom. 


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