Guillaume Crédoz

Guillaume Crédoz

CEO of Post Industrial Crafts

After completing his studies in architecture and environmental design, Guillaume Crédoz embarked on a career that has seamlessly blended the digital and the physical. He began by establishing a fully virtual architectural practice, specializing in 3D design for various firms.

Following this, Crédoz dedicated six years to academia, teaching and researching at universities. His academic pursuits solidified his belief in the transformative power of digital manufacturing as a direct and tangible extension of architectural design.

Driven by his passion for exploring the intersection of technology and craft, Crédoz founded Bits to Atoms. This innovative practice is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of digital manufacturing and its potential to enhance traditional craftsmanship in both architecture and design.

Recently, Crédoz's vision has expanded with the launch of Post Industrial Crafts, a sister company of Bits to Atoms. This new venture focuses on commercializing digitally fabricated furniture, bringing the innovative designs and techniques developed by Bits to Atoms to a wider market. Through Post Industrial Crafts, Crédoz hopes to redefine the possibilities of modern furniture design and contribute to a more sustainable and innovative future.


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