Ithra Academy is a talent development hub that aims to build skills and talents in the creative and cultural sector through focused, hands-on and cutting-edge content. These programs are designed and delivered by both Saudi and international experts. Ithra Academy empowers and enables artists and professionals through courses so they can take a more active role in the creative and cultural sector.

145 +


1623 +


2 k+

Learning hours


To be the leading resource in building skills and talents in the Saudi creative and cultural sector.


To play a leading role in developing talent to compete in a global market by enhancing skills and knowledge based on best practices

How do we do it?

Our unique learning environment can unlock creative potential through vibrant and engaging experiences. We encourage creative thinking and 21st-century skills which enable and empower artists to create original work.

Ithra Academy allows you to foster the skill set needed to realize your passion. Designed for emerging creatives and established professionals, Ithra Academy provides expert courses in six domains:

Creative Leadership

provides you the skills to lead effectively in the creative and cultural industries.

Creative Leadership

Arts and Design

broadens your knowledge and skills to plan, curate and produce an idea or product with value.

Arts and Design

Film and Performing Arts

provides you with a practical approach and technical skills delivered by leading experts so you can effectively participate in films and performing arts.

Film and Performing Arts


 leads you to explore new horizons, enhance literacy assets and practice the most important skills needed to become an author and find your own individual voice



is a domain where you can build your musical skills regarding performing, production, recording and managing your musical career


 Science and Technology

is where you can explore concepts related to innovation and community — as well as cutting-edge technologies — so you can follow a personal path and further humanity’s knowledge.

 Science and Technology
Ithra Academy courses focusing on these six main domains will be implemented on three levels depending on the participant’s skill level, starting from 16 years and above:
academy levels.jpg


Introductory level courses that provide a foundational understanding of a subject. These courses cover essential concepts, terminology and basic skills. They typically include practical exercises and projects that help learners apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios.


Master classes designed for intermediate learners so they may build upon previous knowledge. They delve deeper into specific topics, offering more comprehensive insights and advanced skills. These courses often involve interacting with experts and engaging in critical thinking, projects, analysis and collaborative work to foster deeper engagement with the subject. Participants typically emerge with a stronger grasp of the subject and are better equipped to tackle complex challenges or apply their knowledge in professional contexts.


Advanced courses often include rigorous projects, case studies and peer discussions. Participants will gain intensive expert skills in their professional field. These courses focus on analysis and critique. Participants are encouraged to contribute to the field through innovation and thought leadership. On completion, participants will have mastered the content and developed the ability to apply their expertise in meaningful ways.

Ithra Academy offers a range of resources to enrich driven individuals to become competitive on an international level.


Introduction to Jewelry Making Introduction to Jewelry Making

Introduction to Jewelry Making

28th April 2025

4:30 PM - 9:30 PM · 5 hrs



Ithra Tower - Level 7, Art Studio


Writing Children's Literature Writing Children's Literature

Writing Children's Literature

5th May 2025

4:30 PM - 9:30 PM · 5 hrs



Ithra Tower - L9, Classroom 2

The Short Story & the Storyline The Short Story & the Storyline

The Short Story & the Storyline

12th May 2025

4:30 PM - 9:30 PM



Ithra Tower - Level 9, Classroom 2

Platforms Manager Skills Platforms Manager Skills

Platforms Manager Skills

15th May 2025

4:30 PM - 9:30 PM · 5 hrs



Ithra Tower - Level 9, Classroom 2

Writing an Autobiography Writing an Autobiography

Writing an Autobiography

19th May 2025

4:30 PM - 9:30 PM · 5 hrs



Ithra Tower - Level 8, Classroom 2


Fundamentals of Arabic Calligraphy Fundamentals of Arabic Calligraphy

Fundamentals of Arabic Calligraphy

18th June 2025

4:30 PM - 9:30 PM · 5 hrs



Ithra Tower - Level 8, Classroom 2

Introduction to Ceramics and Glazing Introduction to Ceramics and Glazing

Introduction to Ceramics and Glazing

23rd June 2025

4:30 PM - 9:30 PM · 5 hrs



Ithra Tower - Level 7, Art studio

Suggestions Form

This form is for you to share any idea or submit a course proposals that you would like to see implemented at Ithra Academy

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Participants’ Feedback

Films & Performing arts domain

Golden from Professor and 
speaker Mohammed Al-Shatari
at the end of the workshop.
Thank you for your valuable 

Literacy domain

Thank you, Ithra Team for your hard work!
You will soon hear news about our projects and publications.

Creative Leadership domain

‎Thank you ‪#ithra_academy‬ 
‎ for inspiring us  and it was pleasure to meet you all.

Art & Design domain

It was such a great workshop, useful,knowledgeable,and it had lots of fun.. thank you Doctor insaf  and all the Organizers <3

Literacy domain

شكرًا فريق إثراء على عملكم الدؤوب، وإن شاء الله تسمعون أخبار عن مشاريعنا ومنشوراتنا

Literacy domain

رتّبنا أوراقنا، شحذنا أقلامنا، تبادلنا أفكارنا، أثرنا  خيالنا، ثم انطلقنا في بحر الكتابة على مدى ثلاثة أيام اتَّقَدْنا فيها حماساً. 
‏شكراً لفريق ‫#أكاديمية_إثراء‬ وللأستاذ ‫#علاء فرغلي‬ على هذه الدورة الرائعة.

Art & Design domain

 ألف شكر لسعة صدركم وحسن الاستقبال. اسال الله لكم التوفيق و البركة حيث كانت..شكرًا لجهودكم  والقيمة المضافة التي عملتهم عليها.

Science & Technology domain

كلمة حق
لم تكن تجربتي الأولى في رحلات مراقبة النجوم أو الهايكنج محليا ودوليا...
لكنها كانت الرحلة الأولى التي أبهرني الاهتمام بالتفاصيل فيها
ممتنة حجم السماء للقائمين عليها

Science & Technology domain

بصراحة حابة أشكر جميع المنظمين، كانت ٣ ايام متكاملة ورائعة لبت لنا كل أنواع المتعه والعلم و احتياجاتنا من راحة وضيافة وواضح الجهد على أصغر التفاصيل .

هذي كانت تجربتي الاولى واستمعت جدا جدا وشفت مناظر حسيت اني ما قد شفت السماء من قبل وخاصة فقرة أمس الأخيرة من قصص و أشعار.

راح تبقى ذكرى جميلة مخلدة في الذاكرة  فشكرًا للجميع

Science & Technology domain

الله يسعدكم جميعا...  الحمد لله على التوفيق 

الرحلة والدورة ما كانت حتكون بهذي المتعة الا بوجودكم ومشاركتكم. انبهرنا من قوة المعلومات ودقتها.

Science & Technology domain

شكرًا على الرحلة الجميلة و الممتعة  جدا استمتعنا و استفدنا و الترتيب كان جدا ممتاز يعطيكم العافية على عملكم الرائع

Films & Performing arts domain

أردت أن أشكركم على حسن ضيافتكم و تقديركم
كذلك حسن التحضير و التجهيز للدورة التدريبية
شكر خاص لكل القائمين على أكاديمية إثراء على احترافيتكم .

Films & Performing arts domain

نصائح ذهبية من الأستاذ والمحاور / محمد الشثري نهاية الورشة ، شكراً لك على كل ما قدمته لنا في هذه الورشة كانت ورشة مُثرية خرجنا منها بحماس شديد لتقديم محتوى بإذن الله .

Creative Leadership domain

شكرًا لكم على حرصكم 
وجودة المعلومات المقدمة والحرص في اختيار المتحدثين مجهود رائع لم يسبق لنا أن نراه !

How can I apply for Ithra Academy?

You can apply directly through this website. Ithra Academy offers multiple courses and masterclasses in 3 different levels: 1- Immerse (beginner and introductory) 2- Broaden (intermediate) 3- Emerge (advanced)

How can I know choose the right level of courses?

We recommend you check the requirements of each course and level of experience required before applying.

What are Ithra Academy domains?

Ithra Academy focuses on six domains: 1- Creative Leadership 2- Art & Design 3- Film & Performing Arts 4- Literacy 5- Music 6- Science & Technology

Will the courses be conducted physically or virtually?

All offerings of Ithra Academy will be held physically in King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra) in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. However, some courses in the advanced level only might follow a hybrid approach.

What is the duration of each course?

Depends on the level and type of courses (certified or non-certified). For “Broaden” level it’s 2 – 3 hours daily; 1 – 5 days training sessions. For “Immerse” level it’s 5 hours daily; 3 – 8 days training sessions. Last but not least for “Emerge” level it’s 6 hours daily; 12 – 20 days training sessions.

Are all courses certified?

Yes, all courses of Ithra Academy are certified by King Abdulaziz Center for World Culture (Ithra). Some courses will be certified by both Ithra and the Knowledge Provider who is delivering the course.

See All FAQs


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