Course Description:

Storytelling is an art used to describe an idea or defend a point of view both academically or casually. Throughout this exciting course, participants will take a journey to the storytelling world, where they will understand a story’s definition and its professional usage in speeches on various occasions. Furthermore, they will conquer all the fundamental techniques in order to build and tell a story in an attractive and exciting way. This course is highly recommended for those who are passionate in storytelling in order to develop their skills. 


Course Objectives:

  • Develop the ability to choose and review an effective story.
  • Obtain the ability to build an exciting and strong narrative.
  • Perfect the usage of jesters and body language during storytelling.
  • Master the right sound and tone appropriate for story events.


Course Outcomes:

  • To acquire the ability to appropriately use the stories on a daily basis.
  • To perfect story techniques in order to make a story more attractive and full of excitement.
  • To learn the professional use of sounds during storytelling.
  • To understand the professional use of jesters and body language during storytelling.


Recommended for:
Teachers, lecturers, public speakers, librarians, and anyone who has an interest in literature.


Abdulaziz Al Harthi

Abdulaziz Alharthi is a renewable energy engineer, professional speaker, and poet. As a professional in speeches and storytelling, Abdulaziz won the Fusran Al Arab speaking competition in the Arab world. Nevertheless, he also won several speaking prizes nationally. Due to his passion for speaking and teaching the correct form of speaking, he established both the Elite Literature Forum in Jeddah’s Literature Club and the Rasees Literature Committee. Additionally, he also published his book with the title (رَمْلُ جَمَالْ) Moreover, he has had a widespread influence on the education of speaking due to his multiple educational programs and lectures that target various age groups. Overall, he has achieved an audience of over 2,000 people. In addition, he has created over ten children’s speaking programs. Finally, he has also written and directed numerous plays, such as (يداً بيد) shown at the Jeddah Cultural Theater.

Abdulaziz Al Harthi

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